Why are People Afraid of SEO?

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If you are a start-up or big business owner, you must have heard a lot about learning SEO and implementing a digital strategy for your company. So, you spend some time and build a website for your business but the website is still not optimized enough.

Does this sound like you? As a business owner, you don’t want to deal with all that SEO stuff. From everything you have heard, search engine optimization is too technical, consumes too much time and does not guarantee results. So, why bother? A lot of business owners feel this way. They hesitate to hire the professional SEO agency irrespective of how much they have heard about how necessary it is. Let’s have a look at few aspects why people are reluctant to go through with it:

SEO Takes Too Much Time

Those who are new to SEO often feel reluctant to start a time-consuming and pricey strategy when it seems that all effort is done in vain. Be patient. Here is the best option – hand over all the SEO tasks and responsibilities to a digital marketing company while you spend time running your business.

It is Not a Magic Formula

If you think that SEO works magically to get you immediate online success and profit then you will be frustrated for sure. It takes time before you will see a return on investment. SEO is an invaluable strategy for every business and cannot be ignored at all. Be patient and look for logical approaches instead of magic.

SEO is Too Technical

Many business owners think that SEO is a complex technical process and it requires it to be done by a smart computer nerd or web developer. However, this is not the case as SEO is more about strategic diligent tasks that can be done by anyone. There are technical elements to it but you don’t have to worry about agencies overwhelming you with strange claims and lots of industry-specific terms. A good agency will walk you through each and every part of the SEO strategy.

The Punishment and Penalties

It is true that there are a lot of potential penalties to achieve rankings through bad practices. That’s why it’s important to build strategies around the known best practices. It’s good to use an experienced team of seo experts who have a long history of providing effective strategies that are profitable and result-driven too.

Getting Traffic but Not Customers

Learning about keyword analytics and coming up with buyer personas help you get ideas which words your website are ranking for and which ones are being used to find your website. You can find out keywords based on volume, level of completion and relevance. This way, you will be able to target the audience which is ready to convert from normal traffic to paying clients.

Hopefully, you are less afraid to try dipping into SEO. Don’t hesitate to learn SEO as there are plenty of YouTube tutorials available or else the right SEO agency will do the great work needed for your business to grow and expand.

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About the Author: saltrank