9 Ways to Create Mobile-Friendly Content for Your Website

Reading on a mobile device differs from reading on a desktop computer. A desktop reader, for example, is supposed to be drawn to material displayed on a site’s top-left portion (the golden triangle or the F-shaped reading pattern).
However, while using a mobile device, the same reader may not necessarily focus on the left-side material. They will glance to the left, although their focus will be slightly scattered. So, in essence, there is no “most critical” region to improve first. All of the material has to be optimized.
Let’s look at a few techniques for making your material easier to read, grasp, and recall for mobile users.
Image and Video Optimization
As seen in the chunked content samples, images are an excellent method to make your information more ‘readable’ on mobile devices. Screenshots, images, memes, and other visual elements offer a graphic punch to your information, keeping people interested. But there’s a catch: your photographs must be mobile-optimized. Otherwise, they may occupy too much space or become unreadable.
Design Optimization – Don’t Use Sidebars
Responsive design should be implemented on all platforms. For example, it implies that if screen sizes change, your content will adjust to fit them.
Sidebars may be a terrific method to improve the user experience and expedite the buyer’s journey on the desktop. They are, however, only a distraction on mobile devices. As a result, it is frequently relegated to the bottom of the page and is rarely utilized.
Use Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMPs
Using Accelerated Mobile Pages may help you get ahead of the mobile marketing curve, even though they haven’t been extensively tested or generally accepted (yet). Google and its partner businesses created these HTML pages in a specified manner. For specific searches, these pages are prioritized in mobile search results.
Avoid Pop-ups
Pop-ups should be avoided at all costs. Google declared a year ago that mobile websites with intrusive ads would be ranked lower than those with easily accessible content. Your CTAs should not take up the entire screen. Make it as simple as possible for your viewers to get your stuff.
Image Optimization
Load times influence whether or not someone interacts with your material or goes back to the search results. So, your material must reach them as soon as possible. At the same time, visual attraction is a significant element in remaining vs. bouncing. Thus, you must have both a responsive and visually appealing website. To do so, ensure that your photos load quickly and look great:
- Create photos in a format that has been pre-optimized. To produce pictures that are the proper size and resolution for social media and email, use a service like Canva.
- Make use of smart compression. For example, you can compress.jpg files somewhat without sacrificing their look. However, excessive compression results in ugliness.
Text Content Optimization
People still read text messages on their phones. It’s not all films and graphics and virtual-reality rides. They are, however, reading for shorter lengths of time and with a considerable risk of distraction. As a result, a wall of text will be much less effective than on a laptop screen.
Here’s how to keep a reader’s attention while guiding them through your written content:
- Serve the information in bite-sized portions. Consider short lines and paragraphs separated by graphic assets, video, embedded Vine, Instagram, or Snapchat material, or at the very least white space.
- For navigation, use headers. Make sure people can scan the content and understand what you’re talking about.
Make Brief Yet Detailed Headlines
We are all aware that our attention spans are becoming increasingly short. According to a 2015 Microsoft research, we now have an attention span of only eight seconds (down from twelve seconds in 2000). This is reinforced on mobile since your viewers are more likely to be overwhelmed than seated at their PC.
With your title, you must attract the attention of your mobile audience. Keeping it brief will take up less screen real estate and allow readers to study your introductory paragraph more thoroughly. A high click-through rate and a better score might be because 6-word headlines are not shortened even on a smartphone, regardless of screen size. Furthermore, we read each of the six words since it is how we scan texts.
Most people scan headlines and read only the first and last three words. Sticking to 6 words guarantees that most of your headlines will be read by individuals who are only scanning.
Short, crisp paragraphs are best
Short paragraphs are easy to follow since they focus on a single issue, making them particularly appealing to mobile users. Make it a point to write brief paragraphs regularly. You’ll automatically avoid creating massive walls of text that might irritate someone reading on their phone. Short, however, does not mean its dull. You don’t have to sacrifice your writing’s style or rhythm to make it mobile-friendly. In their attempt to produce a brief copy, many authors wind up creating a dull copy.
Break your content into chunks
Reading big walls of text on a mobile device may be a misery due to the limited screen size. The organization of your material is the first thing you should concentrate on to make reading easier for a mobile user. The better your post structure is, the easier it will be to read. Chunking is an excellent way to enhance the form of your article and make it more mobile-friendly.
Chunking content is an excellent method to make it more snackable. Simply described, chunking is the process of grouping together similar material in discrete chunks according to the best SEO company in Kansas City.
It doesn’t have to be challenging to create content for mobile readers. Begin by anticipating their needs and offering the necessary information.
As mobile traffic grows, our obligation as marketers is to stay up with the developments to give an outstanding customer experience regardless of the device they are using. You want your audience to have a great experience reading or watching your material, no matter where they come across it. For highly optimized content, contact Salt Rank, the best SEO company in Kansas City.
Provide them with responsive video content that makes sense even when their headphones are turned off. Make sure that your photos look fantastic, show correctly, and load swiftly. Additionally, ensure that your language is snackable, accessible, and skimmable.