Pay-Per-Click Marketing: Using PPC to Build Your Business


Pay-per-click marketing is a way of using search engine advertising to generate “clicks” to your website. One specific way that you’ve probably seen is Google Ads PPC. The pictured ads at the top of a search with sponsored in the corner, or those links in the search lines with the little green box that says ad in them. That is what pay-per-click advertising is.


Here’s how it works. Every time your ad is clicked, a consumer is sent to your website and you pay the search engine a small fee, hence the term pay-per-click. When your PPC campaign is well-designed, that fee will be trivial because the visit is worth more to your business than what you pay for it. For example, if you paid $5 for a click, but the click resulted in a $100 sale, using PPC would be a given. In order to make the most of your PPC campaign in Kansas, contact an advertising agency that specializes in pay-per-click to help you develop the best campaign for your specific business.

Ultimately, pay-per-click marketing is a win-win scenario for everyone.

  • It’s good for the searchers – Research has shown that searchers click on paid search ads more often than any other form of digital advertising. This means that people really don’t mind being advertised to, provided that the products and services advertised actually fit what they are looking for. Because pay-per-click ads are search engine based, the results and ads shown are generally highly relevant to what that consumer was searching for.
  • It’s good for the advertisers – Advertisers are offered a unique means of putting their product in front of consumers who are actively and specifically seeking out that product. This is because searchers reveal their intent through their search query. Advertisers are also able to accurately measure the quality of the traffic that results from each search engine click which enables them to fine-tune their advertising efforts. Your local pay-per-click company in Kansas, such as SaltRank, is a great place to start a winning PPC campaign.
  • It’s good for search engines – PPC enables search engines to meet the needs of searchers and advertisers at the same time. Searchers comprise their user-base and they want to provide relevant results to those searchers so that they stay happy users. Advertisers provide the search engines with their revenue stream, so the engines want to ensure that the ads shown are relevant to the consumer so that the advertiser has success and continues to use them as a marketing strategy.

A unique advantage of PPC marketing is that Google (and other ad networks) don’t just reward the highest bidders for that ad space. They reward the highest-quality ads that are the most popular with the users. So, the better and more relevant your ads are, the greater your click-through rates will be, and the lower your cost per click will be. This is a great reason why you should contact an advertising agency specializing in pay-per-click advertising.

Is Pay-Per-Click Marketing Right For You?

So, now that we’ve discussed a bit about pay-per-click marketing, let’s discuss whether it’s right for you. PPC offers advertisers a unique opportunity to:

  • Grow your customer base – PPC allows you to connect with searchers who are actively looking for products and services like yours.
  • General leads at low costs – Because pay-per-click marketing allows you to reach leads and prospects when they are researching and looking to buy, it’s a highly effective way to bring interested visitors to your site and likely convert those visits into sales. Also, search engines generally offer an algorithmically generated discount for making their users happy.

In truth, pay-per-click marketing is a strategy that can work for almost any kind of business. Whether you’re looking to sell products through e-commerce sites, generate leads for a service-based industry, build your brand awareness, or drive foot traffic to your local store, PPC can help with that. The difficulty is in the execution. In order to get the most out of your pay-per-click campaign, you need to follow a few best practices.

Keyword research.


Keyword research for PPC can be very time consuming, but it is incredibly important. Your entire PPC campaign revolves around keywords. The businesses that are the most successful are continuously growing and refining their PPC keyword list. If you only do your keyword research once, you are likely going to be missing out on hundreds or even thousands of valuable, low-cost and highly relevant keywords that could be driving traffic to your site. An effective keyword list should be relevant, exhaustive, and expansive. In addition, your PPC keyword strategy should also include regular negative keyword discovery which can help to ensure that your ads are not showing up for searches that are not relevant to your business. If you’re looking for help and advice with this in Kansas, don’t hesitate to reach out to a local advertising agency that specializes in PPC advertising.

Managing your pay-per-click campaigns.

Once you have created your ad campaign, you’ll need to manage it regularly to make sure that it is, and will continue to be, effective. Regular account activity is one of the best predictors of account success. You should be continuously analyzing the performance of your ads. Even 20 minutes a week can make a bit different. Here are a few things that you should monitor and adjust as necessary.

  1. Add PPC keywords – Expand the reach of your pay-per-click campaigns by adding keywords that are relevant to your business.
  2. Add negative keywords – Add non-converting terms as negative keywords to improve your campaign’s relevance, as well as reducing wasted spent.
  3. Split Ad Groups – Improve click-through rate (CTR) and Quality Score by splitting up your ad groups into smaller, more relevant ad groups, which help you to create more targeted ad text, and better landing pages.

By continuously optimizing your pay-per-click campaigns, you’ll be able to grow your customer base and increase your ROI. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your local advertising company in Kansas to help you with your PPC campaign. Spending a little more money to get started on the right foot can increase your returns and decrease your costs in the long run.

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About the Author: Salt Rank