Tips for How to Market to Gen Z


Digital marketing is a business strategy that employs the creative use of the internet to market a product, build an online presence, and deliver excellent customer service. It started its journey decades ago, but it proves to be more relevant today more than ever before.

It is no secret that digital marketing has been the backbone of every successful enterprise in the market. As we embark on a society dominated by Millennials and Gen Z’s, businesses should adopt digitization if they want their companies to stay afloat for the next ten years.

A few years from now, Gen Z’s will become the next generation to dominate the market, having massive spending power by 2026. They are the net future of retail, so brands should start establishing valuable relationships with them early on.

Get ahead and make sure to surpass this generation’s expectations. Here are smart tips on how brands can market to the incoming generation of tech-savvy individuals.

 1. Focus on Customer Experience, Not Products

The days of product and service focused advertisements are long gone. If you want to survive this year’s digital world, then turn your attention to what your target consumers want —EXPERIENCE.

As Gen Z’s become more educated and informed, they are also becoming responsible buyers in the online market. They are not as gullible as boomers. Aesthetically pleasing online advertisements are not going to cut it for them.

They do not want you to tell them how great your product is; they would already know that through a single Google search. Instead, they want authentic brand messages and stories and a company that cares and stands for something relevant. More importantly, they want the experience that comes with your product.

Prioritize these things, and you will see your company spend zero dollars on marketing ads. Tweets and Insta stories from Gen Z’s will already do it for you, cost-free.

 2. Bring in Interactive Content

There is a reason why almost every Generation Z wears zodiac necklaces and shares online quizzes titled, “Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Take this quiz to find out!”

The younger generation craves interactive and immersive content, especially ones that involve their personal selves. So, stack up heavily on material that lets your brand interact with your target audiences, such as polls and quizzes.

Moreover, they want user-generated content, which means that they would trust peer reviews and testimonials more than your online pop ads. So, invest in video product reviews and photos to get them engaged. It is also useful to get your brand message out through trusted influencers or vloggers.

 3. Make It Quick but Engaging

According to an article, the average attention span of a 20-something Gen Z is approximately eight seconds. That is how quickly they decide if your ad is worth their time or not. This means that you have eight seconds or less to get their attention, deliver your message, and get them clicking and buying. 

  • Avoid long-form texts. Use short acronyms, trending phrases, and references that will engage them.
  • Use visual aids and elements such as memes, emojis, and GIFs. You can never go wrong with a funny and trending meme.
  • Use an aesthetically pleasing color palette (pastels!) or a good photo that captures their attention and will elicit the right feelings that you want them to experience.

You can employ the expertise of a digital marketing services agency when it comes to these kinds of things. They can give you a professional opinion, as well as take care of the technicalities that comes with it.


 4. Use the Right Channels

The days of email marketing and cold calls have long been gone. Gen Z’s are born in the digital world; they grew up already accessing the intricacies of the internet and use up all their time on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Because of early awareness of the power of the internet, young adults greatly rely on it when it comes to their necessities, wants, and needs. Do they want to check out a new pair of shoes? They’ll go to Instagram and visit that store’s account. Do they want to try a new line of lippies? They’ll go to YouTube and search trusted reviews from vloggers.

If you want their attention, market your brand on the right channels. Use each platform differently, based on how Gen Z’s interact. For instance, use Twitter as a way to communicate with your audience and Instagram to publish inspirational content and stories. You can also use TikTok to create fun videos, all the while advertising your brand discreetly.

Also, some social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have built-in analytics that tracks consumer buying behavior and their location.

 5. Be a Brand That Cares

Establish relevant brand advocacy that makes you stand out against other brand noises. Show them that making sales is not your ultimate motive; be a business with relevant advocacies that Gen Z’s can look up to. They may be young, but most of them aspire to impact the world positively through their work; it is highly likely that they will patronize brands that want to do the same.

Remember the top shoe brand TOMS? They are not just popular with Millennials because of the quality of their product. Consumers love them because they stand for a great cause—a free pair of shoes for those in need for every purchase you make.

 6. Be Authentic and Transparent

There is no better way to establish this than by opening channels of communication with your target audience. Stay in touch with them and make the most out of social media platforms. Since everybody spends their precious time there, use social networks to maintain connection and interaction with your customers. It is a great platform to monitor the latest trends, as well as the comments and suggestions of your clientele.

Demonstrate authenticity by managing and solving problems that arise. Take accountability, apologize, and do better. Transparency and honesty are great ways to back up your reputation and brand message. It shows that you stick to your word and is as good as the reputation you projected. 

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About the Author: Salt Rank