Why Optimizing Your Old Blogs is Important

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Maintaining a blog can be taxing at times as trends on the internet change every single day. What’s in last month may be old school in the present. Consequently, what was previously generating you hefty prices might be getting stagnant now. This is why you need to know how to optimize old blog posts

Optimization is the key to achieving success in terms of reachability to your target customer or audience; however, coming up with brand new content for current blogs may be time-consuming to do. It may also cost more due to the manpower and research that goes with it. Then, after all the effort you’ve put in, it just gets little to no traffic.

Historical Optimization may help you save time, money, and effort wasted in creating new content but with the advantage of spending less on all the mentioned factors. This inbound marketing strategy involves updating or revising your old content to get more traffic and attract more clients. If you’re skeptical, here are some points to convince you about the importance of incorporating Historical Optimization into your business blogging routine: 

 1. It Costs NOTHING

Generating new blog posts and all your time spent formulating ideas and data costs money.

However, rewriting old ones costs you zero cents and can even give back tons of traffic, which means potential profit for you and your business.

All you have to do is update any outdated details in your blog. This includes:

  •       rechecking for accuracy concerning the current date when it’s going to be posted
  •       updating or adding new images
  •       optimizing keywords
  •       updating internal links
  •       adding subheadings
  •       reconstructing readability if necessary

You just have to revise and update the entire content piece for better timeliness and relatability. Afterward, you can keep track of how it is doing by calculating its conversion rate. If it does not perform any better, you can always improve the above steps mentioned. It will only cost you effort, and not a single penny, so it’s always worthwhile. 

 2. How to Get Started

In a report made by HubSpot, they concentrated on knowing what exact keywords people use in searching for posts they are looking for specifically. After figuring out the keywords that ranked highest for such topics, they used it in their past blog posts to boost their reach and searchability.

This resulted in them having an increased conversion rate of 240 percent per post, which encouraged them to do the same for their other 12 posts. The results produced a double number of leads compared to what they initially generated.

Using this technique not only allows you to increase your post’s traffic but also lets you find organic and sincere clients that may soon be paying customers, as your post comes up with what they are exactly searching for. 

Salt Rank Computer Blog Notes 

 3. It Gives You the Right Amount of Content

Readers can only read a limited amount of content per day. Some may even be content with reading only on a blog post about a certain topic. Optimizing old blog posts to be relevant again in the present may allow your content to be on top of the search engine and reach your target audience without you having to churn out as much content as possible.

The supply of content gets too overcrowded while at the same time, the demand is static. Constantly reaching out to the audience with new content might just be seen as inappropriately fitting into a huge crowd. Through historical Optimization, you’ll gain no wasted effort and time from trying to leverage new content. It lets you settle with just the right amount, with the maximum possible conversion.

 4. It Maintains Relevance

Change is constant, and with every tick of the clock, the content market is getting stricter. Statistics show that over 87.6 million affiliated blogs are published through WordPress each month. Given this strict competition, it might sound impossible or like too much hustle to constantly come up with top-performing content.  Strategies improve, tips and tricks differ, and niche trends vary. But one thing is for sure, meeting your current audiences’ taste means going with the flow of relevancy. Who would rather waste a second on content that is not timely? To retain relevance, you can do the following historical optimization techniques: 

  •   Refresh content from a few months, or two years ago. High-performing blogs from this time bracket might just need a little shine on them to regain their sparkle. Since they are not that old yet, they require lesser historical optimization. Just sprinkle a few up to date details.
  •   Lengthen shorter content. Short but concise might have worked well for you a year ago. Still, your previous content might have benefited from more information now. Perhaps, the list of top airbrush makeup products last year only reaches five, while a newer number is introduced now. You can provide those updates and provide more value to your audience.
  •   Update year-specific posts. Posts with a year in their title generate high traffic because, of course, of relevance. But while they might serve as effective prize pigs, they grow dusty quickly too. Fortunately, it won’t take you a single sweat to optimize them. For instance, your blog titled “Why Invest in Real Estate in 2019”, might still have the same possible details in them, and thus, it only needs a title to revamp. 
  •   Add valuable keywords. In-depth keyword research is the key to improving your SEO potential. By finding out the most valuable keywords for your content, and optimizing their density, you can regain value with your post and possibly rank up in the search engine results. 


Learning about Historical Optimization may boost your business and blog posts interactions and engagements, albeit using the simplest tricks available. At Salt Rank, we believe that every business has a chance to grow and be marketed in an impactful and meaningful way. With us, you can discover efficient marketing and SEO programs that can take your business to the next level. 

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