10 Effective Strategies for Converting Visitors to Customers

Two business professionals review their company's website.

Everybody has a website. Whether you’re a website owner or someone who just likes to look around, the second that you see a website you want to visit, it is probably because the content and design make it look interesting.

But why stop there? Web marketing services can help turn those visitors into customers! These companies exist so that websites don’t have to waste all their time generating traffic and trying to convert them into paying customers. The way they do this is by investing in promotion on other websites across the internet.

Web marketing services are a way to get those visitors who are “just looking” to become actual customers. This is because they do all of the marketing, and you get an increase in traffic and conversion rates as a result. That’s why this blog post talks about 10 ways to turn visitors into customers with web marketing services.

1.) Call to Action Buttons

You’ve seen them before on websites, and they are essentially the same idea as a physical store with its signs. They are essentially the “ask for it” buttons. These are basically for readers to click and tell the website, “Yes, I want this.” A call-to-action button is a great way to entice potential customers to click the URL of your site and do something that you want them to do. It can be anything from “Buy Now” or “Join Now.” It depends on what it is that you want them to do on your site.

2.) Testimonials

Testimonials are also an excellent way for you to use to convert visitors into customers. The goal of testimonials is to help convince new or old customers that you are the real deal and that what you’re selling or offering actually works. By showing people that other people think your site or product is great, they are more likely to have faith in what you’ve got going on and consider purchasing your services or using your product.

3.) Social Programming

In addition to using social media to market your website, you can also use it as a way to convert visitors into customers! Social networks are sites like Facebook and Twitter, which are specifically made for posting updates and announcing to the world your favorite products and websites. You can advertise on these networks without having to pay too much money.

If you go onto Facebook and follow someone who has a good amount of followers, they will most likely see that you have done so. This is because a lot of people watch for who has been following them. By doing this, you will get free advertising for your website, product, or services!

4.) Email Lists

An email list can be a great way to use web marketing services to turn visitors into customers. It works by offering incentives or deals to entice customers to click or sign up for a website. You may offer one product or service that is less expensive if they become a member of your email list. It’s one way to get customers to trust you, and then they become more likely to buy from you.

A new email notification on a computer screen 

5.) Offer Something for Free

A great way to get people to come to your website is by offering something for free. Free doesn’t mean that you are giving away something that is worthless. It means that you are giving out a small amount of the product or service without them paying anything. This is a good way for new customers to try out your services and products before they decide if they want more or not.

6.) Create Product Demo Videos

There is nothing better than seeing a product in action. It is even better if the person demonstrating that product is someone who knows what they are doing, and the reviews are good. In this case, the person would make a video demonstrating how to use their products or services, and then they would post that video on YouTube or another website where people can see it or share it with other people.

7.) Buy Advertising Space

This one may seem obvious, but you really should get web marketing services that help you buy advertising space on other websites. By doing this, you not only get people who have never heard of you but also get people who already know about you but don’t buy from your business. The best thing to do is to go to a site like Facebook and advertise there. You can target certain demographics and interests that are more likely to use your products or services.

8.) Become a Reviewer

If you already have a decent amount of customers, then one thing that helps the most is for them to become reviewers and evangelists for your products or services. In order to do this, you should contact them and let them know how much you appreciate their business and how you’d like to offer them something in return. That something can be anything, but it is a great way to get customers to broadcast your offerings across the internet.

9.) Create a Consultation Service

This works especially well if you have a lot of services that are fairly technical to set up, use or maintain. This is another great way to get customers who don’t know about you and customers that already do. If a customer already has some of your products but needs someone to help them with an issue, or a new customer needs it set up from the start, then they will be glad to pay for a consultation. This is just one way to get customers who need your services or products.

10.) Implement an Exit Overlay

If you’re doing some sort of a membership site or have a lot of people who have your products, then you should allow them to leave you. This is useful if they are not getting what they want out of their membership or if they find the product or service inferior to what they were looking for. A way to do this is with an exit overlay. It’s a way in which you can let people leave your site with no penalty.


We’ve covered a lot of great web marketing services and how they can be useful for creating a successful website. If you’re looking for success on the internet, then you need to use these services to their fullest extent. Just remember to apply these various techniques!

If you need assistance in this area, be sure to contact Salt Rank today! Our team would love to help you convert more website visitors into paying customers. Our web marketing services team are pros that are here to help you put your best foot forward.

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About the Author: Salt Rank