10 Must-Read SEO Tips Perfect for Beginners
SEO is a marketer’s best friend. With over 30% of the world’s population on the internet today, it can sometimes be difficult to get your blog posts on Google or any other search engine. This is where SEO comes in. If you want to get your blog posts seen by millions of people, it’s a crucial component to use SEO wisely.
However, SEO is not an easy thing to master; there are several algorithms that search engines like Google use to determine which results appear at the top of their search engine. Below are some basic tips courtesy of our Kansas City SEO services.
1.) Write Quality Content
This is one of the most important aspects of SEO. To have your posts seen by millions, you have to write quality content. Simply placing the right keywords in random places will not get you very far. Instead, write content that is both informative and interesting. Write blog posts that do not only serve a purpose but are also entertaining and fun to read. If you make your readers feel like they wasted their time reading your post, they will most likely not return to your blog again.
2.) Use Keywords in Your Titles, Tags, and Urls
As you are probably aware by now, Google and other search engines look at certain keywords when they determine which posts appear on their search engine. Using these words as part of your title will help to get your post seen. However, if you want Google to show more of your posts with the same word, separate each word by a plus (+). For example, if you were writing a title about SEO techniques using the word “expert,” it would look like this: SEO for Experts (+SEO for Beginners).
3.) Check Your Grammar and Spelling
It is no surprise that Google and other search engines are looking at the content of your post before deciding whether or not it should appear on their search engine. Therefore, you want to make sure that your post is well written and easy to read. If you find that your post is missing a keyword or two, leave it out. After all, you don’t want to give Google the impression that your post is filled with misspellings.
4.) Use Keywords as Often as Possible
As I mentioned earlier, it is easy for Google and other search engines to determine what keywords are in your post by looking at the content. However, it is sometimes impossible to make posts containing certain words without using them at least once within the body of the article.
Therefore, you should use these words whenever possible so that Google can determine whether or not they are in your post. For example, you could write a post with the words SEO tips without using the word “tips” because it isn’t in the body of your article; however, you would have to use it at least once somewhere within the body of the article.
5.) Use Short and Descriptive URLs
To get your posts seen, you are going to have to include the URL in your blog post. However, it is often forgotten just how important it is for your URL to be short and descriptive. Instead of using a long URL that does not describe what your article is about, use a short and descriptive one. For example, “tips-for-beginners” describes exactly what the article is about; therefore, it is easy to remember and share with others.
6.) Make Your Blog Look Attractive
A well-designed blog is an attractive one. You must make your blog look as professional as possible. After all, if visitors are not attracted to the blog, they are likely not going to spend time on it or come back for more. Therefore, use simple and elegant images or designs for your blog posts. You can also use a font that is clear and easy to read, such as Arial or Calibri, for a more professional appearance in the content of your articles.
7.) Generate Backlinks
Backlinks are essential to SEO and can often raise the search engine ranking of your blog posts. However, they are difficult to obtain if you do not want to wait months or even years until you see a change in your rankings. To generate backlinks, make sure that every post you publish on your blog contains a backlink somewhere within it.
8.) Write Natural Language
Finally, you must write in natural language when writing posts on your blog. Instead of using vocabulary that is too complicated, it is better to use words that are simple and easy to understand. If you want your posts to be seen by as many people as possible, write in an approachable way so that they can immediately understand what your post is about.
9.) Use Both Internal and External Links
You should use internal linking whenever possible. For example, instead of having a blog post on your website that contains the word “tips,” you can include a link to your article in another one that already has the word “tips” mentioned. However, make sure that the links are not only easy to read but also easy to see at a glance so that visitors understand what they are supposed to do with this information.
Use external links whenever possible. If you want to get your blog posts seen on a search engine, it is not enough to use internal links. You need to make sure that your backlinks are both easy to read and visible. Therefore, it is better to use an external link instead of a generic one that does not describe what the article is about.
10.) Optimize Your Graphics
The graphics that you include on your website are also important when it comes to SEO. For example, if you want more people to see your posts on a search engine, use keywords in your image file names and write clear, descriptive URLs for them.
Remember that SEO is a way to gain more views and visitors to your blog. However, if you don’t have quality content available for these people, they will not return to your blog again. Therefore, make sure that you provide valuable and interesting content for your readers. Also, try to be original and don’t simply reuse someone else’s blog post.
SEO is not easy for everyone; however, with these SEO tips, you can be successful and make money from blogging. If you are in the midwest and you need a website, contact Kansas City SEO services here at Salt Rank. We have been creating websites and doing Search Engine Optimization for many years, helping businesses grow and thrive. Our Kansas City SEO services also work within your budget to get you on the first page of Google not just locally, but all over the U.S.!